Communion Host Ciborias

Ciboria for storing hosts are liturgical vessels that we craft from polished brass. These ciboria are also used to distribute the Eucharist to the faithful. They are gilded and adorned with silvered or gilded decorations. Some ciboria models are further embellished with decorative stones. We offer a wide selection of elegant ciboria for storing and transporting the Eucharist. In addition to our standard offerings, we also accept custom orders for liturgical vessels. We warmly invite you to explore our full assortment!


The liturgical ciborium is composed of a base, stem, chalice bowl, and cover. All these elements can be additionally adorned. Thanks to their elegant details, they present themselves exceptionally solemnly during church ceremonies. Ciboria, similar to patens used for distributing the Eucharist, are made from the highest quality noble materials, ensuring the durability of liturgical vessels and their resistance to corrosion. The gold-plated interior of the ciborium meets the required standards for storing consecrated hosts.